Kreative Blogger Award

I've been honored with the Kreative Blogger Award!! The gracious giver is a highly talented artist and friend,
Bunny Griffeth. Please check out her blog for some fantastic watercolor work!
To comply with the rules, here are seven things about myself. I decided to state it as seven things I love.
My 7 Loves!
1...I love the early dawn quiet...the birds and nature noises... before the world gets cranked up and running.
2...My faithful companion through it toy poodle, Dolly.
3... Painting to music...makes the painting flow better.
4....Painting...It seems the more I learn, the more I realize how little I know.
6...The United States of America...I've always been patriotic...what we're facing today as a country is very troubling.
7...I love God's Word...All of the above would not mean a thing without the Bible as the base.
And now I pass the Kreative Blogger Award onto 7 very talented artists. Make sure you check out their work and say "Hi"!
Qiang Huang2
Miro Sinovcic3
Lesley Spanos Art4
Saundra Lane Galloway5
Jane Hunt6
Dominique Eichi7
Connie Tom